Generation Solutions

Who we are

Generation Solutions Enterprise Limited was incorporated in April 2017. The initial services offered were Domain Name registration, Web and Email Hosting solutions as well as IT & Technical Support.

Our journey has been one of identifying problems, researching and implementing solutions that impact businesses and the community. 

To date we continue to offer solutions in business and online connectivity through the services of Domain Name Registration, Cloud Email & Web hosting, Database hosting, Web design and Development, Microsoft 365, Telematics (Fleet Management Systems, Tracking, Fuel Monitoring & Video Telematics)

Areas of Interest

With the growth of the telecommunication sector we discovered early that there were services that were not given the attention they deserved and yet were very crucial in the day-to-day running of businesses through communication. Upon identifying these gaps we sought out ways of solving them. This gave birth to our premier product line; offering the services of Domain Name Registration, Cloud Email Hosting, Web & Database Hosting, Web Design and Development and later implementation and Setup of Business Cloud Environments like Microsoft 365 & Google Business Suite.


To offer solutions to problems in business and the community.


To make a positive impact and inspire growth in all areas of our operation.


Core Values


We are concerned with the outcome of lasting solutions and in this we ensure the highest form of integrity in business.

Customer Service

The client’s priority needs must be fulfilled. We seek long term business relationships.

Excellence in business practice

We strive for quality and best business practices.

Reliable Communication

We strive to communicate in time and resolve queries with attention to detail.


We learn a lot from everything we do and everyone we meet. We never stop learning.

Adaptation & Flexibility

The world is ever changing, we strive to be flexible and adapt to changes that are feasible and do not affect who we are.